Okan Arslan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
okan@we stga.edu
Education Annex - Room 153
Dr. Okan Arslan serves as an Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at the University of West Georgia, where he expertly blends advanced quantitative methods and artificial intelligence with educational practices. With a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology & Leadership, specializing in Educational Instructional Technology from Texas Tech University, Dr. Arslan has emerged as a prominent voice in the integration of technology within education.
His research is primarily centered on employing high-fidelity simulations and artificial intelligence to enhance learning environments across various disciplines, notably including healthcare education. Dr. Arslan frequently uses sophisticated data analysis techniques to assess the efficacy of technology integrations in educational settings. This rigorous approach establishes him as a leading expert in bridging complex theoretical concepts with practical instructional solutions, especially within health profession education.
Dr. Arslan's work not only improves educational outcomes but also deepens the understanding of emotion regulation within learning processes. Through his commitment to data-driven instructional design, he equips future educators and healthcare professionals with the skills necessary to effectively leverage cutting-edge technologies.
- B.Sc., Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Middle East Technical University, 2010
- M.Sc., Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Middle East Technical University, 2013
- PhD, Educational Instructional Technology, Texas Tech University, 2024
Spring 2025 Sections
- MEDT-7476 (Assess Lrn in Tech-Enh Instr) Section: E13 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- MEDT-7476 (Assess Lrn in Tech-Enh Instr) Section: E04 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- MEDT-7476 (Assess Lrn in Tech-Enh Instr) Section: E03 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- MEDT-7485 (Generative AI in P12 Settings) Section: E03 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- MEDT-8461 (Diffusion of Innovations) Section: E04 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Fall 2024 Sections
- MEDT-7476 (Assess Lrn in Tech-Enh Instr) Section: E04 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- MEDT-7476 (Assess Lrn in Tech-Enh Instr) Section: E03 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
- MEDT-8461 (Diffusion of Innovations) Section: E04 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Hirumi, A., Asoodar, M., Arslan, O., Jordan, B., Moon, H., & Daroowalla, F. (2024). What should IDs do to advance Health Professions Education? In R. A. Reiser, & A. Carr-Chellman. (Eds.), Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (5th Editi [View Publication External Resource]
Marcelle, P., Arslan, O., Balogun, A., & Dash, M. (2024). A bibliometric exploration of infographics as tools for visual literacy in education. Journal of Visual Literacy, 43(2), 173–195. http://doi.org/10.1080/1051144X.2024.2349381 [View Publication External Resource]
Xing, W., Zhu, G., Arslan, O., Shim, J., & Popov, V. (2023). Using learning analytics to explore the multifaceted engagement in collaborative learning. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 35(3), 633-662. http://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-022-09343-0 [View Publication External Resource]
Bal, I. A., Duha, M. S. U., Arslan, O., Collier, J., Marcelle, P., Dolowitz, A., Bernhardt, J., Swanson, M., & Dash, M. (2023). The Theory of Learning in Micro: Context & Explanation. In B. Allman, H. Leary, & R. Kimmons (Eds.), Theories to Influence the F [View Publication External Resource]
Tang, H., Arslan, O., Xing, W., & Kamali-Arslantas, T. (2023). Exploring collaborative problem solving in virtual laboratories: A perspective of socially shared metacognition. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 35(2), 296-319. http://doi.org/10.100 [View Publication External Resource]
Kamali Arslantas, T., Turkmen, G., Arslan, O., & Uzunosmanoglu, S. D. (2022). Formation of an academic research and writing group. Journal of Education, 202(3), 287-295. http://doi.org/10.1177/0022057420979 [View Publication External Resource]
Arslan, O., Kamali-Arslantas, T., Baran, E. (2022). Integrating technology into an engineering faculty teaching context. European Journal of Engineering Education, 47(3), 394-412. http://doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2021.2011148 [View Publication External Resource]
Arslan, O., Inan, F. A., Moon, H., Ozdemir, Y. M., & Uzunosmanoglu, S. D. (2022). Educational technology trends for children with autism spectrum disorder. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 21(1), 45-54. http://www.tojet.net/articles/ [View Publication External Resource]
Dundar, Y., Eldem, I., Schwartz, C., Pomeroy, L., Cordero, J., Arslan, O., & Levent, F. (2022).Screening Awareness of HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Cancers and Attitudes and Concerns towards HPV Vaccination Among Parents. Journal of Cancer Education, 37, 1152. [View Publication External Resource]
Wetcho, S., Peacock, R., & Arslan, O. (2022). Supporting a T-shaped identity through professional associations: A graduate student perspective. TechTrends, 66, 391-393. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-022-00721-0 [View Publication External Resource]
Arslan, O., Xing, W., Inan, F. A., & Du, H. (2021). Understanding topic duration in Twitter learning communities using data mining. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(2), 513-525. http://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12633 [View Publication External Resource]
Dousay, T. A., Wetcho, S., Muljana, P. S., Arslan, O., Elliott, H. D., Peacock, R., & Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2021). Hybrid or virtual conferencing: That is the question. TechTrends, 65(4), 407-409. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-021-00613-9 [View Publication External Resource]
Bal, I. A., Arslan, O., Budhrani, K., Mao, Z., Novak, K., & Muljana, P. S. (2020). The balance of roles: graduate student perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic. TechTrends, 64(6), 796-798. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-020-00534-z [View Publication External Resource]
Gezgin, D. M., Sumuer, E., Arslan, O., & Yildirim, S. (2017). Nomophobia prevalence among pre-service teachers: A case of Trakya university. Trakya University Faculty of Education Journal, 7(1), 86-95. http://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/2703 [View Publication External Resource]